Friday 17 August 2012

Turin Shroud, Turin, Italy

Much speculation about the validity of the Shroud as belonging to Jesus Christ has arisen since it was first discovered. I have read several books about it, and until this day, despite technological advances, its authenticity remains a mystery. I once asked a very talented tattoo artist if he could do a tattoo of the face of Jesus in the Shroud (this man could tattoo any image, drawing, photograph, etc), and he came back to me a week later and said that it is simply impossible. One can believe what they may about the Shroud, or not care at all, however, it is the single most important and fascinating relic in the history of the Church.

This relic is not exposed for public view very often. In fact, in its history, it has been displayed for public veneration very few times, in 1898, 1978, 1998, 2000, and 2010. Luckily, I managed to take a pilgrimage there for my birthday and see it with my own eyes. the next scheduled exposition date should have been in 2025, but for some reason the Archbishop of Turin requested that it be sooner, after the controversial restoration work on the cloth, and at a time that I could actually be there. The exposition was free, one only had to order tickets online, which I did promptly.

The relic was placed in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, in a special frame that preserved it. There was a video beforehand that informed the pilgrims about the history of the Shroud, as well as the components of it, where the wounds were, etc. Inside the Cathedral, the atmosphere was one of great reverence. We could walk in front of the exposed Shroud, and also pray in the church.

First view of the Shroud

Front view on the left, back view on the right

View from the church

Back of church view